Happy Father's Day
My Husband, SuperDad Anthony, and Baby E with Mr. Sunshine and his Baby E
I'd like to wish a Happy Father's Day to all the men in these pictures. For many of these men, this is their very first Father's Day and they've put up with extra headaches in the last year.
To my husband, thank you for enduring my pregnancy cravings (olives and hot sauce on a bagel with cream cheese, hundreds of BLTs with Avocado, and anything with potato or pickle), my hormones (crying at Disney movies and commercials and then texting you about it while you were at work), and constantly being my extra hands when I lose my phone, want a glass of water, need the Boppy, or just want to take a bath. Baby E and I are lucky to have you.
Jason and Alora
Kyle and Jack
Matthew and Penny
Will and Lia